Command Reference

List of Commands

Commands: adjust 📝 Adjust the details of an activity, such as its category, description, or tags [aliases: a] begin ⌚ Starts tracking time for an activity [aliases: b] end ⏹️ Stops time tracking for the most recent or all activities [aliases: e] hold ⏸️ Pauses the time tracking for the most recent active activity [aliases: h] now ⏲️ Shows you at a glance what you're currently tracking [aliases: n] resume ⏯️ Resumes a previously paused activity, allowing you to continue where you left off [aliases: r] reflect 📈 Get sophisticated insights on your activities [aliases: rev] setup 🛠️ Set up a pace configuration, a new project, or generate shell completions [aliases: s] settings ⚙️ Changes various application settings, including Pomodoro lengths, time zone, and reflection format [aliases: s] docs 📚 Open the online documentation for pace [aliases: d] help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

Command Descriptions


Adjust the current activity’s start time, description, category, or tags. This is useful for correcting mistakes or adding more detail to your activities.

Usage: pace adjust --category <Category> --description <Description> --start <Start Time>


Starts tracking time for the specified task. You can optionally specify a category or project to help organize your tasks.

Usage: pace begin "Design Work" --category "Freelance" --start 10:00


Stops time tracking for all tasks, marking them as completed or finished for the day.

Usage: pace end --end 11:30


Pauses the time tracking for the specified task. This is useful for taking breaks without ending the task.

Usage: pace hold --reason <Reason>


Displays the currently running task, showing you at a glance what you’re currently tracking.

Usage: pace now


Resumes time tracking for a previously paused task, allowing you to continue where you left off.

Usage: pace resume or pace resume --list


Gain insight in your activities and tasks. You can specify the time frame for daily, weekly, or monthly insights.

Usage: pace reflect --last-week or pace reflect --from 2024-02-10 --to 2024-03-06 or pace reflect --today -o json -e ./data/data.json


Create configuration files for pace, including the main configuration file and any additional settings. This is useful for setting up pace for the first time or when you need to change your settings. You can also generate shell completions for your shell of choice. And generate a project configuration file.

Usage: pace setup config or pace setup completions


Change various application settings, including Pomodoro lengths, time zone, and reflection format. This is useful for customizing pace to your preferences. You can also get the current settings for the application, e.g. for automation.

Usage: pace settings set time-zone or pace settings get time-zone


Opens the documentations for users, developers, and the configuration file in your default browser.

Usage: pace docs or pace docs --dev or pace docs --config


Prints a help message or the help of the given subcommand(s).

Usage: pace help or pace help begin or pace help adjust

Options and Flags

Only available on begin, end, hold, resume, adjust

  • –time-zone: Specifies the time zone for the activity.

    Usage: --time-zone "America/New_York" or --time-zone "Europe/Berlin"

  • –time-zone-offset: Specifies the time zone offset for the activity. The offset should be in the format ±HHMM.

    Usage: --time-zone-offset="+0530" or --time-zone-offset="-0800"

    Note: This flag is mutually exclusive with --time-zone. If both are provided, --time-zone will take precedence. You also need to use the --time-zone-offset flag with the equal sign.

Only available on adjust

  • –override-tags: Overrides the current tags with the specified tags.

    Usage: --override-tags "design,assets" or --override-tags "design,assets,client-x"

  • –start: Specifies the start time of the activity.

    Usage: --start 10:00 or --start 10:00:00

adjust, begin, end, hold, resume

  • –category: Specifies the category of the activity.

    Usage: --category "Freelance" or --category "Freelance::Design"

  • –description: Specifies the description of the activity.

    Usage: --description "Design Work" or --description "Design Work for Client X"

  • –at: Specifies the start, end or resuming time of the activity.

    Usage: --at 10:00 or --at 10:00:00

  • –tags: Specifies the tags for the activity, they will be deduplicated.

    Usage: --tags "design,assets" or --tags "design,assets,client-x"

Only available on resume

  • –reason: Specifies the reason for holding the activity.

    Usage: --reason "Lunch Break" or --reason "Meeting"

  • –list: Lists all activities that are resumable.

    Usage: --list

Only available on reflect

Options: -a, --activity-kind <Activity Kind> Filter by activity kind (e.g., activity, task) -c, --category <Category> Filter by category name, wildcard supported --case-sensitive Case sensitive category filter -o, --output-format <Output Format> Specify output format (e.g., text, markdown, pdf) [possible values: console, json, html, csv, markdown, plain-text] -e, --export-file <Export File> Export the reflection report to a specified file -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version Flags for specifying time periods: --today Show the reflection for the current day --yesterday Show the reflection for the previous day --current-week Show the reflection for the current week --last-week Show the reflection for the previous week --current-month Show the reflection for the current month --last-month Show the reflection for the previous month Date flags for specifying custom date ranges or specific dates: --date <Specific Date> Show the reflection for a specific date, mutually exclusive with `from` and `to`. Format: YYYY-MM-DD --from <Start Date> Start date for the reflection period. Format: YYYY-MM-DD --to <End Date> End date for the reflection period. Format: YYYY-MM-DD Expensive flags for detailed insights: --detailed Include detailed time logs in the reflection --comparative Enable comparative insights against a previous period --recommendations Enable personalized recommendations based on reflection data

Only available on docs

  • –dev: Opens the developer documentation.

    Usage: --dev

  • –config: Opens the configuration documentation.

    Usage: --config

Usage Syntax


Usage: pace adjust <--category <Category>|--description <Description>|--start <Start Time>|--tags <Tags>|--override-tags>


Usage: pace begin [OPTIONS] <Activity Description>


Usage: pace end [OPTIONS]


Usage: pace hold [OPTIONS]


Usage: pace now


Usage: pace resume [OPTIONS]


pace reflect [OPTIONS]


Usage: pace setup <config|completions|show>


Usage: pace docs [--dev|--config]


Usage: pace help [COMMAND]
Last change: 2024-03-24, commit: f01446e