
The configuration file is a TOML file that is used to set up the pace CLI. The configuration file is used to set up the location of the activity file, the storage kind, the category separator, the default priority, and the most recent count, among other settings.

Specification of the Configuration File

A full list of settings and their default values can be found in the Pace Configuration Specification.

Guided Setup Process

You can use the pace setup config command to create a configuration file. This command will open an interactive setup process that will ask you a few questions about where to store your data and how to store it. Once you’ve answered all the questions, pace will create a configuration and an activity log file for you.

Manually Setting up the Configuration File

The configuration file is a TOML file. This means it’s a text file that contains key-value pairs. You can use this file to adjust the settings of pace to your liking. Here’s an example of a configuration file:

path = "C:\\Users\\YourName\\pace\\activities.pace.toml"
storage-kind = "file"
category-separator = "::"
default-priority = "medium"
most-recent-count = 12

If you want to use a different location for the config file, you can specify the location with the --config flag. For example:

pace --config "C:\\Users\\YourName\\pace\\config.toml" begin "Creating new assets" --category "MyProject::MyAreaOfFocus" --tags "design,assets"

Showing Settings

You can show the current settings with the pace setup show command. This will show you the currently loaded settings and the location of the activity file.

Last change: 2024-03-24, commit: f01446e