Activity, Intermission, Session

This document explains the concepts of activity, intermission, and session in pace.


An activity is a period of time during which you are working on something. It may be a task, a project, or any other kind of work or break.

An activity always has a GUID, a start time, an end time and a description. The GUID is a unique identifier for the activity. The start time is the time when you start working on the activity, and the end time is the time when you stop working on the activity. A description is a short text that describes the activity.

Activities may have a status, such as active, held, finished, et cetera. The status of an activity may change over time. Activities can also have categories, tags, and other optional metadata.

An activity may be interrupted by one or many intermissions. An activity may also be part of a session.


An intermission is a period of time during which you are not working on anything. It may be a break, a rest, or any other kind of pause.

An intermission is a special kind of activity. So overall it has the same properties as an activity. An intermission always has a GUID, a start time, an end time and a reason. The GUID is a unique identifier for the intermission. The start time is the time when you start the intermission, and the end time is the time when you stop the intermission. An intermission may interrupt an activity. An intermission may also be part of a session.

In addition to the properties of an activity, an intermission has a reason which internally is a description of the intermission. Also an intermission has a parent-id field which is the GUID of the activity that the intermission interrupts.


A session is a period of time during which you are working on a series of activities that can be interrupted by intermissions. It may be a work session, a study session, or any other kind of session. A session is basically a list of activities and intermissions that are combined under the same category and description.

A session has no unique identifier and not really an own start or end time, but it inherits the duration of the activities and intermissions that are part of the session. A session may have some optional metadata, such as a description and other properties like duration amount and total duration lengths.

Last change: 2024-03-24, commit: f01446e