

A unit of work tracked by Pace, representing a task, project, or period of time.

Activity Session

An activity and all its associated tasks and intermissions, forming a complete work session.


A pause or break within an activity, used to track interruptions or non-productive time.


A specific action or assignment within an activity, providing granularity in tracking work.

Activity Log

A record of all activities tracked by Pace, including details such as start/end times, durations, and descriptions.

Time Tracking

The process of recording and monitoring the time spent on various activities or tasks.

CLI (Command Line Interface)

A text-based user interface for interacting with Pace through commands and arguments.

Reflection / Insights

A summary or report generated by Pace, providing insights into time usage, productivity, and activity trends.

Time Zone

A region of the globe that observes a uniform standard time, affecting the representation and calculation of time in Pace.

Data Conversion

The process of transferring data into or out of Pace, facilitating backup, migration, and integration with other systems. Usually involves importing and exporting data.


Settings and options that determine the behavior and appearance of Pace, including storage locations, time formats, and default values.

UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)

The primary time standard by which the world regulates clocks and time, often used as the internal time representation in Pace.

Pomodoro Technique

A time management method that involves breaking work into intervals (typically 25 minutes) separated by short breaks.

Database Integration

The incorporation of a database system (e.g., SQLite) into Pace for storing and managing activity data.

Team Collaboration

Features in Pace enabling multiple users to work together, share data, and collaborate on projects or tasks.

Billing and Invoicing

Functionality in Pace for tracking billable hours, calculating costs, and generating invoices for clients or projects.

Last change: 2024-03-20, commit: 3ad6fe0