Testing strategy

As of now, we are using (or planning to use) the following types of tests, to ensure the quality of the pace project. These tests are run on every pull request and push to the main branch in our CI/CD pipeline. All tests are run using GitHub Actions and are mandatory to pass before merging a pull request.

Developers are encouraged to write tests for their code and to write tests for code that is not yet tested. We are aiming for a high test coverage and a high quality of tests.

Before a PR the test suite can be run locally using the following command (using just):

just pr

End-to-end tests

End-to-end tests are being used to test the CLI commands and their interaction with the pace_core library. They are used to ensure that the CLI commands are working as expected.

Fuzz tests

Currently no fuzz tests are being used. We should consider using them to test functions that parse user input or other untrusted input.

Integration tests

Integration tests are being used to test the service layer of pace_core. ActivityStore and ActivityTracker are the main components being tested.

We initialize the ActivityStore with an InMemoryStore and the ActivityTracker with the ActivityStore. We then use the ActivityTracker to perform operations on the ActivityStore and assert that the operations are working as expected.

Journey tests

Journey tests are being used to test that the workflow of important user stories are working as expected. One example of a journey test is test_hold_resume_journey_for_activities_passes.

Mutation tests

Currently no mutation tests are being used. We should consider using them to test the quality of our tests.

Snapshot tests

Snapshot tests are being used to test the output of the CLI commands (see Visual Regression Tests). They are used to ensure that the output of the CLI commands does not change unexpectedly.

Property-based tests

Currently no property-based tests are being used.

Unit tests

Unit tests are being used to test the individual components of pace_core. Especially regarding the Activity related traits and structs. But also the time module is being tested extensively.

Visual regression tests

Visual regression tests are being used to test the output of the CLI commands. We use insta_cmd to take snapshots of the output of the CLI commands and compare them to the expected output. This is used to ensure that the output of the CLI commands does not change unexpectedly.

Code coverage

VS-Code/VS-Codium Extension

You can live preview the coverage on your code with this extension:

Name: Coverage Gutters
Id: ryanluker.vscode-coverage-gutters
Description: Display test coverage generated by lcov or xml - works with many languages
Version: 2.11.0 (at the time of writing)
Publisher: ryanluker
VS Marketplace Link: <https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ryanluker.vscode-coverage-gutters>

Generate with cargo-tarpaulin

Install cargo tarpaulin (with cargo install cargo-tarpaulin) and run in the repository root:

cargo tarpaulin --all-features -p pace_core --output-dir coverage/ -o Lcov


We use codecov.io to track the code coverage of the pace project. The coverage is updated on every push to the main branch and on every pull request.


You can view the coverage report on the codecov.io website.

Last change: 2024-03-20, commit: 3ad6fe0